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7 Things Every Marketer Should Be Doing Right Now

Marketers around the world right now are doing their best to keep their audience engaged and active. While no one really knows what the world will look like a month or even two weeks from now, it’s important that we keep our marketing wheels turning.

It’s time for us all to do what marketers do best—get creative. And more importantly, it allows us to use our skillset to help others. Clients are in need of our insight and resources to help their businesses not only survive, but thrive during this difficult time. So, ask yourself, “How can I help? How can my brand make a positive impact?” Keep reading to learn how several marketing experts are adapting their strategies to our new reality.

Offer Resources and FREE Content

In times of crisis, it should always be our first priority as marketers (and as human beings) to lend a helping hand. Now more than ever, our clients are in need of resources. They don’t need to be sold on a product; they need to feel reassured in their relationships. Ask yourself, “What can I do to support my clients?”

At DigitalMarketer, we’re offering our Insider Newsletter subscription for FREE to help small businesses learn all of the timely marketing skills they need to continue growing and thriving despite the current climate. This is just one example of how to position yourself as an invaluable resource.

Increase Client Communications & Community Outreach

Along the same lines of acting as a resource for your clients, it’s also important that you nurture your relationships and create a sense of community. During this global pandemic, marketers are realizing that there is no such thing as too much communication… when done with the right intention, that is.

A sense of regularity and guidance can be extremely comforting. One of our partners suggests meeting with your clients two or three times a week to make sure they still feel that their needs are a priority to you. Another way to stay connected is through a community Facebook group where members can not only chat with you, but with similar clients who may share their experiences.

Encourage Transparency

We cannot stress this enough—be transparent with your clients. No one knows exactly what to do right now or how long things are going to stay the way they are. While it’s important to give your clients reassurance, it’s also important that you don’t BS them. Position yourself as a leader, but know that great leadership comes from someone who can also admit not knowing all of the answers and being okay with that. Your clients will respect you for being authentic and it will reflect well on your brand as a whole. Building trust during all of this craziness can only be a good thing.

Offer Virtual Experiences

Another way we are seeing a lot of marketing experts adapt is by exploring the virtual experience space. Businesses that are traditionally operating face-to-face have been heavily impacted by social distancing and shelter in place rules. Instead of shutting down completely, however, marketers are helping these companies by offering their expertise in virtual engagement. In fact, this can be used as a lead generating strategy.

Essentially, you’re telling a client, “We don’t know how long you’re not going to be able to be face-to-face with people. So, here’s how we do things virtually. Here was how we pivot virtually. Here are the tools to do it virtually.”

Keep in mind that many of your clients are not as digitally adept as you may think. Patience and thorough education can go a long way. Trust us, when this is all over, they’ll remember who helped them through.

Explore New Partnerships

There has never been a better time to start new partner relationships. Several companies have taken this opportunity to team up, whether it be for a fundraising/awareness campaign surrounding COVID-19 or maybe even a special bundle of their products offered together at an affordable rate.

For example, Brands X Better is an all-new coalition of brands who’ve come together to provide financial aid during the crisis. All members have pledged to donate 10% of their proceeds to charities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Also, Penguin Random House Publishing teamed up with several famous chefs to create a digital cookbook. The proceeds of this initiative will benefit the Restaurant Workers’ COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund. These are just a few examples of beneficial partnerships that will likely carry on even after the crisis is over.

Pivot When Needed

Of course, for some businesses the best option is to pivot their product entirely. Like we mentioned before, face-to-face services are having to explore other avenues for accessing their customers. Several restaurants have been forced to switch to strictly takeout options instead of dining-in. Brick-and-mortar store fronts are beginning to offer products online and by curbside pickup. Event businesses are even discovering new ways to offer experiences to their customers at home, including virtual music festivals and interactive happy hours. These are just a few cases in which pivoting can be the key to survival.

Campaign for the Future

One of the most important things to remember is that eventually things will get better. There will be a future on the other side of this pandemic, and when that future comes, you want your clients to remember how you supported them through the ups and downs.

At DigitalMarketer, we believe that it’s always best to provide value first knowing it will come to fruition. This is a time to focus on brand building and relationships. How will clients look at your company after the world moves to a new “normal”? How will you have adapted and improved during this growing period?

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