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Use These 11 SEO Tools to Rank Higher on Search Engines

Out of all the marketing trends that have come and gone since the rise of digital marketing, one has planted its little feet and stood strong through a myriad of rising and burning marketing strategies.

SEO has stayed one of the most important parts of any digital marketing campaign, even with the introduction of social media and Facebook Messenger. As marketers, we all want that top result on Google. The only thing we want more is for somebody to tell us how to get it.

We’re not just going to have anybody tell you how to take that #1 spot, we’re going to have Roland Frasier tell you. Roland is the CEO of War Room Mastermind. When he talks, we listen. When he suggests tools that will scale our business, we start using them.

You can use these tools to take over the infamous #1 spot and to make sure your SEO is always working for whatever the Google bots are looking for today.

Here are 11 SEO tools to improve your search ranking.


Paid: $ 


SEOPressor is a WordPress SEO Plugin. It’s an analytics tool that shows you all of your important SEO data, so you can see what pages don’t have meta titles, are showing 404 errors, or don’t have meta descriptions. It also warns you about blog posts that aren’t optimized, don’t have a keyword emphasis, or don’t have a schema markup.

SEOPressor shows you how to:

  • Improve on-page SEO analysis
  • See SEO insights
  • Improve search relevancy
  • Choose how search engine crawlers navigate your website
  • Create an internal link structure
  • Build your keyword analysis

(RELATED: Designing Your Search Marketing Strategy)


Paid: $

Ahrefs SEO tool

This SEO tool audits your website’s preexisting content and tells you what needs to be optimized. It also looks at your competitor’s SEO rankings for keywords to show you where you can improve and where you are higher than them.

Using Ahrefs, you can:

  • Audit your website
  • Explore other websites for organic search traffic and backlink profiles
  • Find keywords and analyze ranking and traffic
  • Find the most popular content by topic
  • Chart your analytic performance
  • Set up alerts for new and lost backlinks, web mentions, and keywords
  • Get SEO metrics and Google SERPS

Mobile Friendly Test


Mobile Friendly Test SEO tool

This is Google’s free test you can use to see what a visitor’s experience is when visiting your website on their phone. You put your website’s URL into the test and Google will tell you if your page is mobile friendly and what the page loading issues are.


Paid: $

rmoov SEO tool

rmoov is a backlink clean-up tool that lets you clean up any bad backlinks that you don’t want at scale. What’s a bad backlink? Any link that makes Google give you an “unnatural links” warning, a link that has given you a manual penalty, or spammy links that aren’t making Google happy. These bad backlinks can hurt your SEO ranking.



Slerpee SEO tool

Slerpee is an SEO tool that lets you see what your HTML title and meta description look like on Google search results. This tool is useful for any marketer that is publishing blog content and wants to make sure that their header and meta description fit and look nice on search results.

Using Slerpee, you can:

  • See a live Google preview of your webpage
  • Save and share drafts
  • Research keywords


Paid: $$

YTCockpit SEO tool

This SEO tool is the only one on our list specifically for YouTube SEO. YTCockpit is a YouTube keyword research tool that finds niches and tracks rankings. They have a 3-step process: search for keywords, find the most profitable keyword ideas for your niche, and then drive traffic from your video to your website. Then, they’ll track your ranking to see how you’re performing in comparison to your competition.


Paid: $$

Screaming Frog SEO tool

Screaming Frog is an SEO spider and crawler tool that will crawl links, images, CSS, scripts, and apps. After crawling, it’ll give you a report to analyze and audit your website’s SEO.

Screaming Frog:

  • Finds broken links
  • Analyzes page titles and meta data
  • Audits redirect links
  • Finds duplicate content
  • Reviews robot.txt

WP Super Cache


WP Super Cache SEO tool

This SEO tool is a free WordPress plugin that creates HTML files without the use of WordPress PHP scripts. These files are temporarily saved on the visitor’s hard drive so next time they visit your website they’re able to access the webpage faster. WP Super Cache also lets you create a garbage collection of files that don’t need to be cached.


Paid: $$$ 

SEOmonitor SEO tool

SEOmonitor is an SEO analytics app. It analyzes keywords, topics, and ranking, and then creates reports for you to use to base your content on. It also has a team communication feature so all of your SEO conversations and tasks are in one place.


  • Finds competitive keywords in your niche
  • Creates keyword portfolios
  • Accounts for rank changes, search volume, and seasonality
  • Analyzes your SEO ranking over time



Seobility SEO tool

This SEO tool is one of our favorites for reviewing your website and optimizing it for a better ranking. The review is free and gives you a task list of SEO improvements to make. For example, they’ll tell you if your meta titles need to be shorter, what your page quality is, and what pages are missing social sharing widgets.

Seobility also:

  • Gives you mobile optimization suggestions
  • Tells you what images are missing an ALT attribution
  • Shows you the blog articles that have a high header-to-word ratio
  • Counts internal and external links per page

Paid: $$

Tend SEO tool

Tend is the private investigator of SEO tools. It creates a list of every action that visitors have taken on and off of your website. The idea behind Tend is that if you can understand your customer’s habits and triggers, you’ll be able to turn more prospects into customers.

By using Tend, you’ll know who your websites visitors are and how they got to your website. Then, you can find out what marketing strategies are creating conversions.

These SEO tools are verified by Roland and used to drive more traffic to websites of War Room members. So we know they work.

SEO is one of the few marketing strategies that has stood the test of time. Take the #1 spot by using these SEO tools to audit and optimize your website.

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