How to prepare your marketing agency for lock down
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Is Your Marketing Agency Prepared For a Second Lock Down?

With the Delta Variant on the rise, and the CDC recommending the use of masks again, it’s very uncertain which direction to take with your digital marketing agency. Should you prepare for another lock down? The recent rise of COVID infections reminds us that our dreams of the pandemic being over are far from reality. 

No matter whether your state looks like it will go into lock down again soon, you should have a plan to keep your business running just in case. You can never appropriately plan for the building to catch on fire, but you can plan a few safe escape routes.

#1 Remote Work

Digital Marketing Agencies in the age of COVID have the luxury of putting the emphasis on Digital. Working remotely is already set up to your advantage. We recently spoke with Ralph Burns on how he successfully runs a remote agency of 40 people.

Here, Ralph talks about The 5 Must-Have Tools For Running A Remote Business. He talks about the tools that are the foundation of his business and how you can integrate them into yours to find success in the remote world.

#2 Digital Marketing

Your agency is looked at as the blueprint for digital marketing by your clients, so set the bar appropriately. With less people out in the world, that means more people are online. Delegate your marketing expenses tactically. If the country goes on a second lockdown no one is going to see billboards or bus ads, funnel that money into your online advertisements instead.

Get ahead of the game and start budgeting for more social media driven ads. If you need some guidance, find out how to budget your Facebook ads here. These formulas can be used for Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn as well! 

#3 Increase Your Online Traffic

When the pandemic hit in March of 2020, 30% of United States social media users were online 2 hours more a day. 43.1% of people reported that they were using Instagram the most during their shelter in place experience.

Online traffic has been consistently on the rise since peak pandemic, now is the time to drive those users to your business. Combining your SEO with your Social Media content is easier than ever. Listen to DigitalMarketer’s new President, Mark de Grasse, explain his Holistic Approach to Marketing. Mark’s genius 90 day marketing cycle connects your blogs to your social media and drives all traffic back to your website.

Now that we’ve been through the first lock down we are sure your business can thrive through another. Don’t let COVID restrictions bring you down, your agency is the blueprint for digital marketing, prepare your agency for the incoming lock down as though you were writing the book for all businesses to succeed.

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