how to implement business ideas sixthdivision
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How Much Money Are You Wasting Every Day by NOT Getting Your Ideas Implemented?

Are you suffering from idea-itis?

Oh, wait… you’ve never heard of it? Well, let me help you out, here’s the definition:

A state where one continues to collect ideas to compensate for an inability to actually implement the ideas already collected.

How do you build a bridge over The Gap so that all of our best ideas get implemented every time?

Sound familiar?

Tell me, how many of your best ideas did you actually implement in 2017?

(RELATED: A Strategic Plan for Business Implementation: 3 Steps to Getting Business Growth Done)

You see, for most entrepreneurs, this what 2017 (or only every year) looked like.

They started here:

Too many to count lightbulb ideas on the left and results on the right, with a chasm separating the two

And ended up with something like this:

Only two idea lightbulbs on the Results side and the chasm has turned into a graveyard

You get a few ideas implemented and live, but most end up in The Gap — the graveyard where most of your ideas go to die.

So the question becomes, how do you build a bridge over The Gap so that all of our best ideas get implemented every time?

Here’s a guide that will help you get there…

A bridge over the chasm — the Gap — so your ideas can flow to the Live side

First, You Need a CLEAR TARGET

The first thing you need to make sure your ideas stop dying in The Gap is a clear game plan.

When we think of a game plan, we often think of a sports team that has a plan that’s designed to help them, you guessed it, win the game. 

In this case, the end goal they’re using the game plan for is easily defined — winning the game or winning the championship.

If they didn’t have that clearly defined goal, it would be difficult to design an effective plan, right? The same goes for your business.

So, before we build your Game Plan, we have to get clear on what your goals are. Or, in other words, how do you win the game?

Start by defining a Timeframe for your goal. We suggest the next 30 days, and definitely no longer than 90 days.

Then, determine your Revenue Goal for that timeframe. Let’s use $50,000 as an example.

Finally, list the Products/Services you’re going to sell in order to hit that revenue goal with the specific unit number that you need to sell of each. (*Don’t skip this step, it’s super important.)


  • Product 1: 10 units at $1,000 = $10,000
  • Product 2: 8 Units at $2,500 = $20,000
  • Product 3: 10 Units at $ 500 = $ 5,000
  • Product 4: 50 Units at $ 300 = $15,000

Build Your Game Plan

Now that you’re clear on what victory looks like for you this month or quarter, you can build a GAME PLAN that will get you there.

First, take a look at the products that you laid out as a part of your goals for the month or quarter. Everything you design and build will be aimed at selling those products and services.

Next, write down how you currently sell those products or services. A few examples would be:

  • Video Sales Letter
  • Automated Webinar
  • Sales Consultation

Finally, write down how you currently acquire leads to drive into those sales processes:

Then write down all of the sources you’ll pull those leads from.

  • Events
  • Facebook
  • Cold Calling
  • Referrals

Map out the journey you’re going to send your leads, prospects, and customers on through each of the phases you just listed. Here’s the journey we use at SixthDivision:

Map out the journey customers will take: Source, Leads, Prospects, Clients

(RELATED: Your Digital Marketing Strategy Template (AKA The Customer Value Journey))

Blueprint Your Ideas

Now that you have your game plan in place you’re ready to jump in and implement, right?


Imagine you were going to build a house. It would go a little something like this:

  • You would meet with an architect and describe what you want your house to look like
  • The architect would design the house and then create a super specific blueprint for the house based on what you want
  • Then, and only then, could the contractor actually build your house

You need a super specific blueprint BEFORE you ever build anything in your business as well. Here’s how to do it:

  1. For each of the plays (campaigns) in your game plan, list out all of the assets that they’ll include. That means every landing page, every video, all the follow-up emails… everything.
  2. After you’ve listed every asset, determine the skills necessary to implement each piece. Examples would be copywriting, videography, technical implementation, etc.
  3. Then, determine the owner of each of the tasks that result from this exercise. Who specifically is going to write the copy for the landing page? Who is going to implement the Infusionsoft campaign? Who will be in the talent in the video?

Your assets and to-dos will look something like this…

Assets and to-dos

The end result is a list of specific to-dos with an owner assigned to each…

A to-do list with the owner who will create the asset

This is your blueprint, your guide to actually get your idea implemented.

Then, it’s time to actually…

Implement Your Ideas

Now that you have everything lined up and ready to go, you just knock over the first domino and watch the to-dos you uncovered get checked off.

This part is simple, each individual owner handles their piece of the project and you GSD.

So, I’ll ask you one more time… Are you suffering from idea-itis? Do you need a process for getting your ideas actually implemented?

If the answer is yes, use this framework to get your best ideas off the ground and stop wasting time and money.

(NOTE: Before you get started writing your content, you need to know who your ideal customer is, where they are, and what they will buy. Download our FREE and proven Customer Avatar Worksheet and get clear on who you’re selling to.)

Click here for your FREE Customer Avatar Worksheet

Brad Martineau

Brad Martineau

Brad Martineau is the CEO of SixthDivision and Co-Founder of PlusThis. He was born and raised in Arizona and is the 6th of 10 kids. He’s been married for 16 years and has 5 kids (yep, 5 of 'em). And last, but not least, he has two addictions: basketball and flat brim hats. Brad started SixthDivision about 6 years ago to help entrepreneurs make sense of how to automate their businesses without having to rip their hair out. They did 7 figures their first year in business and have been growing ever since. Since then, Brad and his team have invested multiple millions of dollars and logged well over 70,000 hours in the trenches with entrepreneurs at every stage of business and across nearly every industry. Some big names they've worked with that you might recognize include: DigitalMarketer, Dave Ramsey’s EntreLeadership group, Amy Porterfield, Frank Kern, Joe Polish, etc... The end result is that they have restored order and sanity to the lives of thousands of entrepreneurs, and created a proprietary, step-by-step process that makes it easy for entrepreneurs to be confident about what they should be implementing in their business AND how to actually get it implemented.

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