DigitalMarketer Valentine's Day
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Show Some (HR Approved) Love to Your Co-Workers for Valentine’s Day

Looking for a way to say Happy Valentine’s Day to your awesome co-workers?  

Download one (or all!) of these eCards and spread some warm fuzzies to the people who send you 6,534 Slack messages every day (yet always seem to find something funny to say), to those who are always willing to throw a couple of tacos into your UberEats lunch order so that you can make your delivery minimum, and to the people who keep you sane, happy, and inspired at work.

And on top of that, we at DigitalMarketer would like to share some Valentine’s Day love with you. Sign up for our free weekly newsletter and you’ll get more fun freebies (like maybe a video of cute, fluffy puppy 😉), marketing news, and our team’s actionable, curated marketing tips delivered to your inbox every week!

Sign up at the link below, and keep scrolling for your Valentine’s Day cards!

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Here Are Your Coworker Valentine’s Day eCards

Valentine's Day props to the co-worker who manages to refrain from using buzzwords
I'd give my (choose option) for you
Roses are red, violets are blue, my inbox has 3,424 messages thanks to you.
HVD to the coworker who always buys the first round at HH
HVD to the only co-worker who I don't mind interrupting me while I'm on Do Not Disturb


The lovely content team here at DigitalMarketer works hard to make sure you have the best blog posts to read. But some posts require a group effort, and we decided to stop the rock-paper-scissors tournaments that decided the byline so that we had more time to write. Besides, we all graduated from kindergarten: we can share.

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