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An Update On DigitalMarketer’s COVID-19 Response (and how we’re pivoting back to “business as usual”)

NOTE: This post is an update to a previous post on DigitalMarketer’s COVID-19 response. CLICK HERE to view the original post.

It has been an honor and privilege to support the marketing community during this challenging time by allowing free access to our flagship subscription, DigitalMarketer Lab, to all the marketers and businesses impacted by COVID-19.

I am thrilled and humbled to announce that, as of this writing, over 30,000 marketers have taken us up on our offer and over 10,000 have already completed at least one training.

The words “thank you” do not come close to expressing my gratitude and appreciation to everyone who has participated, everyone who is spreading the word, and of course, everyone on the DigitalMarketer team who has gone above and beyond their normal duties to make this happen.

With that said, the time has come for us to begin the pivot back to “business as usual.”

While I fully acknowledge that the threat has not passed, as a small business with bills to pay and mouths to feed, we simply cannot afford to stay in idle mode forever. We need to get back to work, and I’m betting you do, too.

So, at midnight on March 31st, we will be closing the free account option for DigitalMarketer Lab, and subscription pricing will return to normal. But to ease this transition (and to still support those who get in late), we have also decided to extend the access period to the Lab platform to April 15th for everyone who has a free account.

In other words, anyone who joins DigitalMarketer Lab prior to midnight on March 31st will continue to have access to all our premium content for an additional 15 days beyond what we originally planned… still no credit card required.

I know that things are far from normal, and I know we still have a long road of recovery ahead of us. But I am beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel, and I hope you are, too.

Be well. Stay safe. And let’s get to work. 🙂

In hope and gratitude,

Ryan Deiss

Picture of Ryan Deiss

Ryan Deiss

Ryan Deiss is the Founder and CEO of and Founder and Managing Partner of, a digital media and ecommerce group that owns dozens of properties. Ryan has been called one of the world’s leading digital marketers by Shark Tank star, Daymond John. A best selling author, founder of multiple companies collectively employing hundreds around the globe, and one of the most dynamic speakers on marketing in the United States today, he is undeniably a recognized expert on the digital era. Connect with Ryan on Twitter.

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