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How To Figure Out What Content Your Customer Avatar Wants

Have you sat at your desk for *way* too long, staring at a blank document trying to figure out what content you should create for your customer avatar?

Been there—done that.

We’ve also seen wayyyy to many business owners feel like content is an intimidating part of the marketing process. Here’s the thing… it’s only intimidating when you don’t have a total grasp on your customer avatar. Once you know who your customer is, practically down to the brand of shirt they’re wearing, the content ideas are going to flow like a faucet.

That’s because your customer is constantly telling you what content they want you to create. You just have to learn to speak their language. This is how the Customer Avatar Worksheet came to life—as a solution to those blank documents and intimidating ideation meetings where nobody’s 100% sure that they’re publishing the right content, offer, or even product.

Using this worksheet, you can learn everything you need to about your customer avatar so you can create the content they want… and the conversions you were aiming for.

Here are the 4 questions to ask to figure out what content your customer avatar wants, based on your answers in the Customer Avatar Worksheet.

Question #1: What pain points does your product solve for them?

Your customer avatar is going to hit a point where they say, I need THIS and I’m going to look for it. “THIS” is your product, but they might not be searching directly for it. They might be searching for something that helps the pain point they’re experiencing (the same pain point your product solves).

For example, our customer avatar of agency owners, entrepreneurs, and marketers have a paint point of wanting to do more with their marketing, but not knowing how. That’s where we come in through our certifications, courses, and workshops. But our customers aren’t going to Google to look for, “Marketing workshops”. 

They’re going to Google and searching for “how to be a better marketer”.

Our products solves that pain point for them, so we can reverse engineer that pain point into content like:

Everything You Need To Know About Content Marketing

7 Ideas for a More Effective Cold Email Campaign

5 Types of Highly Effective Blog Posts

Question #2: What goals will they reach with your product?

Your product is designed to make your customer’s life better in some way. It could be a water-proof phone case that lets them take underwater photos or a GPS dog collar.

Somebody who wants to buy a waterproof phone case has a goal of taking underwater photos and videos, and someone with a GPS dog collar wants to be able to find their dog in case it runs away.

These are both goals, and your content needs to support those goals. For example, content like, “How To Make Your iPhone Waterproof” fulfills the goal of someone that has an iPhone that wants to (bravely) go snorkeling with it. Or, content like, “X Ways To Avoid Your Dog Getting Lost”, suits the goal of a dog owner who wants to be proactive about their dog running away or getting lost.

When you know what your customer avatar’s goals are, you can figure out what content to create that helps them reach those goals—and introduce them to your brand.

Question #3: Who do they usually go to for advice on this topic?

Knowing who your customer avatar is surpasses just their pain points, challenges, and goals—it trickles into who they pay attention to. Your customer avatar follows somebody avidly on social media, or is an adamant reader or subscriber to a specific blog, podcast, or Youtube channel.

And that person can tell you a lot about the content your customer avatar is interested in. For example, if your product is an interior design online course and your customer avatar is an interior designer, you’d want to know who they look up to in their industry and what content that person is putting out. For example, is there an extremely popular Youtube channel for interior designers or a Facebook page where they all network?

Finding where your customer avatar is consuming their information related to your topic is going to help you know what content to create for them.

For example, on Youtube you can see what videos are most popular on a specific channel. You can use this to figure out what content is performing really well for your customer avatar, and figure out how to create something like it that suits your offer and product.

Question #4: Where are they searching for that information?

Knowing what content your customer avatar wants from you is one thing, but now you need to know how they want to consume it. While some customers want to read it, others are going to want to listen to an hour long podcast about it. Then you have the customers who want their answer in a 2 minute Youtube video or ideally through an IGTV.

Where does your customer avatar go to get their pain points and challenges solved? Do they take to Google to find their answer? If that’s the case, then blog posts or Youtube videos would be a great place to create content. 

For example, if your business rents office furniture to small business owners, you know that they probably don’t want to listen to a 45-minute podcast talking about furniture for offices. That’d be hard to follow. More than likely they want to watch a 5 minute video on Youtube or IGTV about “The 3 Tips For Creating The Perfect At Home Office.”

You don’t want to be writing blog articles when your customers want to be watching videos. You want to be creating the content they’re looking for, in the format they want to consume it.

And that’s where the Customer Avatar Worksheet comes in. It’ll help you nail down your customer so that by the time you’ve filled it out, your blank document turns into a mosaic of content ideas, offers, and more that you’re ready to put into action.

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The lovely content team here at DigitalMarketer works hard to make sure you have the best blog posts to read. But some posts require a group effort, and we decided to stop the rock-paper-scissors tournaments that decided the byline so that we had more time to write. Besides, we all graduated from kindergarten: we can share.

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