Episode 97: 7 Facebook Tests: Optimize Your Facebook Campaigns with Our Results


Join the experts as they detail seven strategies they’ve learned from testing and experimenting with their Facebook ads. From bid amount to Facebook video ads to ad creatives, implementing these strategies will help you get the best possible results with your Facebook ads and increase conversions at a low cost.


  • How one Facebook ad generated 3,000 new subscribers and 30,000 new fans in 30 days (« and how you can use it in your business).
  • What to pair your ad’s hook with to reach “advertising nirvana” and generate a high return.
  • Easy strategies you can use to reduce ad fatigue and quickly scale your campaigns without reducing ROI.


Netflix for Marketer’s Ad:
Emoji Searcher
Episode 34: 14 Elements of Persuasive Ad Copy
Episode 67: The Proven 3-Step Formula to Transform Your Business with Video Ads [Part 1]
Episode 68: 3 Elements of High-Converting Video Ads [Part 2]
Episode 84: Ryan Deiss: 7 Questions I Ask Myself Before I Finish Writing Ad Copy
Episode 85: 6 Elements of a High Converting Ad Creative
Episode 88: 5 Killer Traffic Campaigns to Swipe and Deploy in Your Business…Live from Traffic & Conversion Summit 2017
Episode 90: 5 Facebook Ad Updates You Need to Know About
Episode 91: Everything You Need to Know About Facebook Website Conversion Campaigns
Episode 97 Transcript (swipe the PDF version here):

Keith Krance: Hello, and welcome to the Perpetual Traffic podcast. Today we’ve got Ralph Burns and myself, Keith Krance.
Ralph Burns: Hey-yo.
Keith Krance: How are we doing?
Ralph Burns: I’m doing good. No Molly.
Keith Krance: No.
Ralph Burns: No Molly, missing Molly.
Keith Krance: No, no, she’s mid-launch.
Ralph Burns: She’s knee-deep in launch stuff right now. So, we’re filling in without her.
Keith Krance: Yup, I wasn’t able to get on last week either. I was on a three and a half excursion in Southern California with Eric Davis, the author of Raising Men: From Fathers to Sons: Life Lessons from NAVY Seal Training. So, he was a NAVY Seal instructor for Chris Kyle, the guy from the movie American Sniper, that Bradley Cooper played. So, that was an amazing trip; got to go skydiving for the first time, finally ever, mountain climbing, had an amazing guide and just really learned some really cool epic stuff about processes and leadership too.
Ralph Burns: Are you a Seal now? Are you been recruited?
Keith Krance: Dude, yeah … All you have to do is be modeled, you know, for three and a half days, hang out with Eric Davis and three other guys.
Ralph Burns: That’s all it takes.
Keith Krance: It was epic, dude. Most people don’t realize that the NAVY Seal training is all about building confidence and planning out properly.
  Got some great stuff today.
Ralph Burns: We’re going to be building confidence in your ability to get effective Facebook ads today.
Keith Krance: That’s what I’m talking about. That’s what this podcast is all about.
Ralph Burns: That’s it.
Keith Krance: We’re going to be talking about seven real world tests and experiments to supercharge your page traffic campaign. These are real world scenarios that we’re doing right now, we’re experimenting with, we’re implementing, we’re getting results from. Just some little subtle tips to help motivate you and give you some ideas. It’s like adding a little bit sugar or honey into your coffee or tea to make it just a little bit better.
Ralph Burns: Yeah, that’s right. This is like brain octane fuel to your coffee in the morning. The end result here, the end goal is to get the best potential result, in our case, usually conversions at a lowest cost, at a highest return on ad spend as we possibly can. And all seven of these things definitely play a part into that. So, super excited to talk about it today.
Keith Krance: Let’s get right into it. So, Number 1 is going to play off some stuff that we’ve talked quite a bit about on this podcast. This is something we recently did for a promotion for our Facebook momentum, beginner and intermediate course that has tracks for local service based business, Facebook ads for local businesses, Facebook ads for ecommerce, physical products, Facebook ads for digital products, and Facebook ads for consultants. And we wanted to do something a little bit different, you know, implement some of the stuff we’ve been talking about on this podcast. And I wasn’t able to get on camera, didn’t have the time to do really what I wanted to do for this campaign with so much stuff going on. So, I looked back at Episode 84 where Ryan Deiss talks about the seven question he asks himself before he finishes writing ad copy. And I really took a bunch of notes and started really brainstorming and used number five. Number five was what metaphor can we use to tap into the brain and positively associate our offer.
Rian Deiss: Now we’re really tapping into not just emotions but we’re tapping into memories. So it’s a much deeper feeling. If you’ve ever been listening to a song and it almost made you cry, it wasn’t the sadness of the song, it brought you back to probably a moment in your life. That’s what nostalgia is all about. And the reason that happens is because we as human beings create thought through association. Okay, that is how thought occurs. It is by associating one thing with another thing. It’s, “I know to fear this because it kind of reminds me of this other thing that hurt me at one point at time so I’m going to fear it too.” So, this idea of association is big.
Keith Krance: And we’ve also talked about this fact on Episode 85.
Molly Pittman: We use an image of an iPhone battery that was red, it was about to die. And the message that we were trying to get across was, “Hey, we’re about to sell out of tickets to this event, this is your last chance.” Right? We were trying to portray scarcity.
Keith Krance: So, a video on a sales pitch for this product talked about how basically what we did was started a brand-new business from scratch in the health and fitness space, new URL, a new Facebook page, new website, new landing pages and recorded the whole thing for this course.
  Seven days later, 600 new leads, 5,000 new fans. Thirty days later, 30,000 new fans and 3,000 new subscribers with just one ad. And so how do we illustrate that very quickly in an ad without me having to be on camera because I’m just not able to do, not home, lots of travel and so I just went to stock video … went to stock video and ended up finding a little short snippet of a Lego being built.
Ralph Burns: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Keith Krance: Right? So you got that kind of fast speed Lego and then I just added some text overlay. Next thing you know, you’ve got a 15 second video which, by the way, you can use for a pre-roll video ad now on Facebook, it’s got to be 15 seconds or less. So that gives you the ability to go into pre-roll videos as well as Instagram videos.
  And that Lego build, you know, is it really possible to have 1 good ad build an entire business from scratch. And that’s really what happened. People got to see the whole thing and we recorded the whole process. Then you have the ad-copy that kind of goes along with that. So that video is very similar to the image that Molly talked about on Episode 85 and Ryan talked about back on Episode 84. So go back and listen to those episodes again and think about how you can implement this stuff. And by the way, that ad only ran for 2 days and it got about a 6,500 percent ROI.
  Another great example that we can put into this Show Notes is of recent banner ad from DigitalMarketer. And it says, “It’s like Netflix for marketers.” And it looks like … It’s got all the little screenshots, the little thumbnail icons of the different execution guides, kind of like the different shows inside Netflix. And so, it’s “boom,” it’s that metaphor that people will realize, they understand, and what that is is it takes you to a sales page for DM labs.
Ralph Burns: So if your creative can reinforce your hook with some kind of metaphor, your hook is part of a metaphor that people associate with, like building a business is like building Legos, right? So, urgency that T&C tickets are just about running out and that red battery that we get on our iPhones that tells us that we’re just about out of juice, there’s a metaphor there that both create a sense of urgency and, in your case, it’s a building metaphor which I think is really, really important. So when you’re picking your creative or you’re doing a video, in this case which is even cooler, you know your ad copy matching your video with a metaphor that gets your point across. I mean now you’ve reached like advertising nirvana, if you get all those things right. And so those are typically the best performing ads that we see, without a doubt.
Keith Krance: And like what Ralph said there’s very important, it’s supporting. So in the ad copy, I’ve got a lot of the stuff that we talked about on previous episodes as well; 14 elements of persuasive ad copy, some of the stuff that we talked about in the five killer Facebook campaigns article that DigitalMarketer has recently published or is about to publish, but we’ll link to it in the Show Notes. It’s a recap of presentation that Ralph, Molly, Tom Breeze, Mike Rhodes and I did at Traffic & Conversion and it is using still some of these elements, you know there’s an a-ha moment, there’s some curiosity based stuff happening in this ad copy itself, is it really possible to build and grow a new business from scratch with just one Facebook ad.
Ralph Burns: Yup, you can.
Keith Krance: Yeah, so once again hit the Show Notes there, digitalmarketer.com/podcast. This is Episode 97, and let’s hit number 2.
Ralph Burns: So, number 2 is a test that we’re doing and what we’re now calling the Vlad Ad Lab. Vladdy is one of our account managers, awesome account managers. He’s helped build a lot of the stuff that we talk about here on the agency and no you can’t hire him, by the way, if you were wondering. So anyways, he’s going to remain anonymous but anyways he’s an awesome dude. So he does these tests for us inside the agency, to test some of the newer things that are coming out on Facebook. And one of the things that we had tested was something that we had talked about back on Episode 90 where we were talking about some of the new things that were coming out on Facebook with, you know, average versus max bidding, one day versus seven-day conversion window. So we actually did a test for one day versus seven day conversion window on a number of different ad sets, all going to the same audiences, all in a split test fashion. And the question was is one day better than seven day. So we wanted to find out.
  So we did a test with several thousand dollars in both ad sets. And we actually found out that it depends. But what we did find is that if you can wait, when you actually have like a predetermined cost per acquisition, if you go to two or three or four times past that predetermined cost per acquisition, you’ll probably pause that ad set because it’s not getting you the result that you want. We found that if you paused your ad sets too early, the seven-day conversion window didn’t really kick in until, surprise, surprise, around day seven. It takes Facebook really about four to five to six to seven days to start optimizing. So in this particular case we found out that the seven day conversion window for this customer actually worked better. The one day it was 120% return on ad spend versus seven day which was 137% return on ad spend. So we did actually plug it into a couple of different metrics and we found that it was statistically significant that seven day beat one day.
  The question really is, is this just an isolated case just because this customer had so many products? So if somebody comes in, buys a product and then maybe two days later they buy another, they buy another and they buy another. In your case, maybe you have one or two products, maybe seven day isn’t good.
  So, our next test in the Vlad Ad Lab will be for another customer that only has really two or three products as opposed to about a 100. So, it depends and you got to test it, but in this case, we did find that the seven-day conversion window did beat the one day. That doesn’t mean do it in all cases but that’s what we found out here. And it was a significant enough difference for us to even talk about it on the podcast. So, stay tuned for more tests from the Vlad Ad Lab coming your way here at Perpetual Traffic.
Keith Krance: Well how about we just hit one more, what do you think about that?
Ralph Burns: Yeah, we happened to do another test and so that’s number three here, I guess, on our seven things we’re talking about today.
  Back on Episode 90 we had talked about another test we were about to start which is average versus maximum bidding. So once again, if you’re in your Ads Manager, go down to the optimization and delivery area, typically if you’re running a website conversion campaign, it’ll automatically to defer to 1 day click or sometimes it actually defers to 7-day click but then below that there’s a bid amount and it either says automatic which is what we choose most of the times, especially when we’re starting with a new customer, or you can click manual. And so manual will actually give you two different options. The first one is maximum bid, the second one is average bid. So what’s the difference between the two? Well we wanted to find out.
  So we had a customer that had about a 27 dollar cost per acquisition on average. And we tested a lot of different bids but we came upon one particular dollar amount that seemed to work the best for both of these types of bid amounts.
  And for 27 dollar cost per acquisition, we did not bid what Facebook says. They say, “Well you know, just bid whatever it is that you want … whatever your target goal is.” For us we did that and we didn’t get any impressions. So we bid higher at 40 dollars and what we found out is even though we were looking for a 27 dollar conversion, we bid for 40 dollars, we found that average bidding won over maximum bidding because it actually gave us more impressions and it gave us a better return on ad spend. And this was statistically significant. Again this is over 20,000 dollars in tests, this one was much bigger, we happened to get really good conversions on it. So just to give you some example of how it worked is by average bidding of $40 versus maximum bidding at $40 for a $27 target CPA, we got an average of 125% return on ad spend for average bidding versus a 106% for maximum bidding.
  So, a statistically significant difference once again. So, more tests coming from the Vlad Ad Lab but that’s what we found out so far. So, it would indicate that you got to test one day versus seven day which I said before but it seems like average bidding is the better out of the two. Maximum bidding, it really did stunt your impressions so something to test again. I think we’re going to test a higher amount next time. But average bidding did give more consistent delivery and it mostly under our target CPA which was really cool.
Keith Krance: Money, good stuff here, good stuff here. Both of those ones that you just hit on are questions that we get all the time. And so the one thing too I like to take away from this is that some cases you might see a bigger difference, some cases a smaller. But also, hopefully you’re sitting here thinking, “Okay good, maybe I breathe, and I can exhale knowing that if I’m doing one day and I’m worried that I should be trying seven day windows or I’ve been doing max bid versus average bid and, oh my gosh, what am I missing out on.” Well odds are it’s not going to make a huge difference. So don’t stress out too much if you’re doing one and not doing the other.
  So it leads into number 4. Number 4 is “No Targeting.” Yesterday, on our Facebook ad university webinar, one of our Facebook ad advisors, Terry Foster, was talking about a recent campaign where they are in a bigger market, mass consumer, beauty health, beauty niche and they needed a scale super-fast and tested some “No Targeting”, basically just demographic targeting. So, big, big about 40 to 50 to 60 million person audiences. And they crushed it; were able to scale super-fast, up to 10,000 a day and up to 50,000 a day after 30 days actually. And the reason why they’re able to do that though was because they had already had a couple hundred conversions … sales conversions before he kind of opened it up. And I know you’ve been testing this and doing this with a lot of different accounts a little bit, right?
Ralph Burns: Yeah, yeah. We definitely have. Sometimes we actually have done it by mistake. Sometimes as you guys probably know if you’re running ads through the Power Editor or through Ads Manager, sometimes they really suck and they mess up the work that you’ve done or it kicks out the work that you’ve done or it doesn’t upload the way that you want it to. It’s just part of the charm of working inside the Facebook Ads Manager. But the point is that we actually had a number of campaigns that we started where the Ads Manager kicked off the interest targeting and then we ran the campaign even after it was controlled or quality controlled. And lo and behold, the ad sets that had 0 targeting was wide open to the US, for male and female 35 and older were the ones that were getting the best cost per acquisition, the best cost per lead. So we’ve done it that way and been pleasantly surprised but then the way that you’re talking about it here is usually the way that we traditionally will do it.
  If we’ve got hundreds if not thousands of conversions in our ad sets and in our campaigns and we’re looking to scale really fast, probably about the last thing that we do prior to going to a number of different scaling strategies is we just open it wide open. You know? So, it might be a specific demographic if we know it’s like 35-to-65-year-old females, we might just open it wide open on that. And the beauty niche really is a good one for this one which is the example that you had mentioned because it is so wide reaching, you know for makeup or whatever it happens to be, every woman basically needs it. So why not just advertise to all women. But we’ve seen it actually work in other niches as well like real estate investing niche, self-improvement niches. So once you get some real traction and some data on that pixel, we talk about that a lot on Episode 91 which is a great episode to go back and review, you really can just open it up and let the algorithm do the work which is a beautiful thing.
Keith Krance: Absolutely, absolutely. And what this does is hopefully is just give you a broad understanding of the algorithm, that’s the key here. So if you want to try something like this, try it. And if it doesn’t do that well, no big deal, you got your brand out there to a lot more people, right? If you’re going to use larger audiences, make sure you’ve got some conversions, space you can use to put your message in front of the best five% of all those people, so they’re not putting that ad in front of 20, 30, 40, 50,000,000 people, they’re putting it in front of the best 1%, 2%, five% of those folks, based on your previous conversions.
  Number five. Let’s hit number five. Let’s talk about some emojis.
Ralph Burns: Emojis, we love the emojis. Emojis are something that, forget who it was who first keyed us into this, I think it was Terry …
Keith Krance: It was Terry, yeah.
Ralph Burns: Yeah.
Keith Krance: He’s one of our advisors, by the way, inside of our inner circle program, our navigator inner circle program which is a mentoring program where we get a lot more intimate hot-seat and stuff like that with Ralph and I and you get an assigned advisor.
Ralph Burns: Yeah, so he’s figured this out. This was a customer account. I guess it was a coaching customer we were working on together. And we were working on a good hook and ad copy and he added an emoji to the ad copy and that was the first time I had actually kind of seen it in the B2B niche and it really, really works. So ever since then, we’ve been inserting emojis into most of our ad copy, I wouldn’t say on every single one but in some cases, we’ll do it right off the bat, especially if it’s a B2C or a business to consumer niche. Or depending on the product, so if it’s sort of a friendly kind of product or it meets certain attributes, we’ll use it right out of the gates.
  So in this one we didn’t start with emojis but what we did is we took a new customer account that was doing about 1-to-1 return on ad spend, little bit greater. And they were spending about 1,000 dollars a day and now they’re spending about 5,000 dollars a day and the emoji strategy was one of those things we used to scale up their spend with ROI. We use emojis in these ads that reinforce the ad copy. So once again, going back to Molly’s episode where were talking about creatives, I believe it was Episode 85, the emojis reinforce the copy itself.
Molly Pittman: Care about your creative. You know, it’s not the last step that you can just sort of throw in last minute. How can you make sure that this image or video really conveys what you’ve been working so hard on with this campaign? And if you do that, it will only multiply your results.
Ralph Burns: So everything is reinforcing itself. If you get ad copy that’s reinforced by the emoji and the image or your video which reinforces your ad copy, you’ve reached advertising nirvana, which usually means you’re making pretty good money on these ads. You know, especially in the direct response space. So, what we did in this one is we sort of found some emojis, one of the best sites that we have for emojis is emoji.muan.co. And it’s one that I use a lot and we’ll put that one in the Show Notes. And they’ve got a ton of emojis that are in there, we use that, we also used emojis from sink sumo which is a really good emoji site. So, all we’ll do is just add emojis in at the end of regular ad copy and sort of gauge the difference.
  So in this case, these emoji ads, the overall ad account, we’re spending about a 100,000 dollars in this test here but got about 160,000 in return, on just this test that we did. But the emoji ad sets did 33,000 on ad spend and got 67,000 in revenue. So that’s a 2-to-1 margin and this was in addition to other ads that we had done to sort of continue the scale out.
  And I think that super important to change up your creatives, change up your video, change up your ad copy. Because certain ad copy, certain hooks are going to work for some people but other people it’s just not. So you have to keep it fresh. And especially have lots of them sort of rotating all the time, especially with a good video. That’s the key to a winning ad campaign. We really do use emojis in most things now and we can definitely thank Terry for that and it’s definitely transformed a lot of ad accounts for us.
Keith Krance: All right, love it. Good stuff. Let’s hit number 6. Let’s talk about some Tall Boys.
Ralph Burns: So number 6, yeah, we’re not talking about beer here. But I mean, I am getting kind of thirsty. So Tall Boys are what we refer to as the long, sort of tall, vertical videos on Facebook. We call them Tall Boys, I don’t really know why. But they’re a way in which you actually can shoot a video on your iPhone with not with the landscape view but just the vertical view and even if it’s the same content as some of your other ads, it just gives a different look, especially in mobile because it takes up the entire screen.
  So these vertical videos are something that Facebook brought out probably about four or five months ago or so. And we test them when we can because sometimes it’s hard for us to get this specific creative that we want from a customer but on these ones we’ve said they were just shot with an iPhone. They do exactly what we’ve talking about many times in the 3-step video ads formula which is Episode 67 which is the proven 3-step formula to transform your business. These videos actually do that 3-step video ads formula but they are in a Tall Boy format. It’s just another way in which we’re using a different look, like we’ve got square videos, we’ve got landscape videos, we’ve got these Tall Boy videos.
  And overall the ad account is doing extremely well. The Tall Boy videos themselves are doing anywhere from a 2-to-1 to a 2 and a 1/2-to-1 return on ad spend which is really, really good for us. So that in combination with the emojis that we were doing, we’re actually throw in emojis inside those tall boy ads as well, so you can use a lot of different elements here, just to give a different look into multi-layer your marketing so that you hit people at different ways in which they’re going to trigger a reaction from that ad. One size does not fit all when it comes to Facebook advertising, or any advertising. So you really do have to change things up and using Tall Boy videos we found is just one way to do that. So it’s very cool.
Keith Krance: It’s such an easy way to help reduce ad fatigue and connect with different audiences on different devices when you’re doing this, because guess what, didn’t even have to change the content of the video, just changing the format.
Ralph Burns: Yup.
Keith Krance: Maybe you’re changing the ad copy real quick, and it’s easy way to reduce ad fatigue and just connect with different people which helps you scale your campaigns faster without reducing that ROI, which is what we like.
  All right, let’s hit number 7, the good ol’ Yankee Clipper.
Ralph Burns: So number 7 is what we refer to as the Yankee Clipper video ad copy formula. A long name for something that’s actually fairly simple. We just refer to it as the Yankee Clipper, so you’re probably wondering why we’re calling it the Yankee Clipper. But the reason is that there’s five steps to this thing. And the most famous five that I could think of is Joe DiMaggio, so as a Red Socks fan, it’s sort of an anathema for me to even say this but obviously he’s one of the greatest baseball players of all time but number five, he was also referred to as ‘The Yankee Clipper’.
  So there’s five elements for this formula. So number one is, first off, ask a question, a short question in your post copy itself. So, you’ve got your post copy sort of over your video. Once again this is for videos only, we typically use this with videos in most cases, sometimes with image post ads but very rarely and the reason is we want the video to be the star of the show. So the first thing that you do is in your post copy you ask a question, a short question which addresses either the primary pain point or a primary desire of your market.
  So for example, it might be, let’s say you’re in the coaching niche for example and you want to get more coaches to buy your product, you might say something like, “Want more high paying clients? Want to sell more from the stage?” On each one of these, you ask a very simple question, typically it starts with ‘do you want to’ or “want to do x.” So whatever that thing is it hits them right between the eyes and it also relates and reinforces the video itself. So if you’re telling them or asking them if they want high paying clients, well your video should show them how to get more high paying clients, your one ninja best tip. And to figure out how to do that, best is to use the 3-step video ad formula from Episode 67 and 68. So go back and listen to those when Keith and I talk about the 3-step video ad formula. So in the video itself, like I said, it actually reinforces the question in the ad copy, the question that you state in your post copy itself. So that’s the first element of the Yankee Clipper.
  Second element is to tell them what to do next. So you want them to watch the video. So the second line is really simple. It’s watch the video to discover how, to see how, so I can show you how … whatever it happens to be. So, you hook them in with the question Number 1, Number 2 tell them what to do next. People like to be told what to do. All right? So, if you’re getting them in and captivating them with your first question than they’ll do what you ask in your second line.
  So, the point is to get them to consume the content in the news feed, in the video and then take the next step which is number 3, which is simply, “click here to learn more,” “click here to discover how,” “click here for more information.” So the shorter and the sweeter it is, we usually put an arrow and then we put what’s referred to as the naked link, which is your https:// whatever your URL you’re sending them to. So that way when we do that, we actually get 3rd party trackings to the stores that we use for 3rd party tracking which is Wicked Reports. I do not recommend using a shortener on that unless you’re using an affiliate link or something that’s sort of an ugly link but you do need a naked link in the post copy for this whole thing to work. So that’s the third element.
  And then they watch the video, hopefully. So you have the video that reinforces everything that’s in the post copy. Now the other part to it is number 4 is a headline. So a headline which appears below your video. All it does is it restates the question that you asked in line number 1. So if the question was, “Want more high paying coaching clients?” Or, “Want more coaching clients?” Or whatever it happens to be then your headline would be, “One simple trick to get more coaching customers,” or, “How to get higher paying clients,” whatever it happens to be. So you’re restating the question in that headline.
  And then number five, the fifth element, is in your description. Your description is only going to be seen inside the desktop newsfeed but you won’t see too much of it inside the mobile newsfeed ad but regardless fill that in as well. And it’s really just sort of giving them an anticipation of what they’re going to get on the other side. So tell them, you know, learn how to get more coaching clients with minimal disruption in your business or whatever it happens to be. Something that’s sort of a short narrative. And it does get cut off on mobile and you won’t see it in the right hand column and you won’t see it inside an Instagram ad either.
  So those are the five elements. And then we always make sure that we do a call to action at the end which is typically learn more or shop now or sign up but most of the time we use learn more and then your display URL is just going to be your display URL. And we typically take the http off and the www off just so it looks kind of clean there. So that is the Yankee Clipper video ad formula and the reason why we like it is because it’s super simple, it’s replicatable, duplicable I think that’s the word, we can bang these out relatively quickly and use them in mass scale. And that’s one of the things we use to scale up campaigns is we create lots of different ones like this, we got lots of different Yankee Clippers and each one might hit on a slightly different pain point or slightly different desire. But it reinforces the content that’s in the video and the big thing is to make sure that they watch the video. So that’s the whole point of the Yankee Clipper.
  Don’t get too complicated with your ad copy and you just really want to get them to watch your video, consume the content and click to the next step and do whatever you want them to do on the next step which is purchase or register or opt-in for your Lead Magnet or whatever it happens to be.
Keith Krance: All right, good stuff dude. And hope you enjoyed this episode and we will talk to you next week.
Ralph Burns: See ya.

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