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[Video Marketing] How Should You Deploy Video in Your Marketing Strategy? Find Out From 7 Marketing Experts Now

Are you using video in your marketing strategy?

The dangerous answer: Well… no.

The correct answer: Of course!

Yes, I said dangerous.

At Traffic & Conversion Summit 2017, our Director of Communications Christine Haas sat down with some of the biggest brands in marketing to find out how they’re deploying video in their marketing strategy — their answers will have you drop what you’re doing and dive into video.

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Check out the video and its transcript below!

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Video Transcript:

Christine Hass: How do you approach video in your marketing, and how important is it?
Dennis Yu: They say, “A picture’s worth 1,000 words.” A video’s worth 1,000 pictures, and video is now key, everything in terms of engagement, all the new mobile messaging apps that are out there, around video. The question is, how do you create video in a way that’s effective, and that means taking things that would look like word-of-mouth, because customers are talking about your stuff, because you have partners that are sharing information, and you’re using video to replicate what an in-person experience would be like.

(RELATED: The Ultimate Guide to Facebook Video Ads)

Amy Swartz: I believe video is very important and not just for that 18 to 34 year old set. It’s everybody. Am I left brain or right brain? How am I consuming information? In small and medium sized business, I think sometimes they get intimidated by the thought of video. Yet, down-home, flip-your-phone, people can relate to that. So, it’s going to keep becoming more and more important, and more relevant.
Christine Hass: How important is video, in your marketing strategy?
Dan Tyre: Oh, baby. Brian Halligan, our CEO, says, 50% of your content should be in video. 50%. So, it’s another one, where you think it’s like five or ten percent. You’re like, “no.” In 2017, people love video. They love small snippets. They love larger kind of things. Video in all of the data analytics, showcase, you can get the concept over more quickly. It delights people. You can gauge their interest. So, Halligan, at the Inbound Conference came out and said, don’t necessarily hire a blogger. Go out and find a videographer. Take all of the content that you would normally write about, and put it in video. I couldn’t agree with it more. I see video all the time. You see Facebook Live. You see Snapchat. That’s the direction it’s going.

(RELATED: Perpetual Traffic Episode 50: How Frank Kern Generates Sales and Goodwill with Facebook Live)

Mari Smith: The trends are actually well-produced, professional, high-quality, like you guys are doing here at DigitalMarketer. A nice set. Professional lighting. Multi-camera shoots. Great editing. Those really stand out because, psychologically, we’ve been used to seeing that as television-type content. So, even though there’s a place for organic selfie-type content, on our phones, the content in video that’s standing out is very well-produced.
Carlos Angel: I think that is the most important. I can’t think of a campaign that we’ve run lately, that hasn’t had video as the core creative. For many years, video was something that only the big ad agencies could do, and media was television. It was completely impossible to do. Today, it’s something that everybody can do. Just figure out a way to make a good video, and then just serve it to 1.whatever-billion people. Video is always going to be more engaging than images, if you do it right. I see no reason why video shouldn’t be the cornerstone of your creative.
Donald Miller: A video really needs to be about the customer, a business video. It needs to be about what that customer wants, what their problem is getting what they want. How that problem is making them feel. Then you pivot to you, and how you can help them overcome that challenge, but the whole narrative is really about them. It doesn’t mean that you can’t be on the video 90% of the time. What I’m talking about is the difference between the hero in the story, and the guide. I always say, the brand needs to position themselves as the guide. Yet, you look at a movie like Mary Poppins. The movie is about the guide, not the hero. The hero is the father. He’s not on screen a whole lot, but he’s the hero who has to overcome a challenge in order to transform. That’s the definition of a hero.

(RELATED: Perpetual Traffic Episode 64: Donald Miller Shares 7 Proven Story Formulas for Sharpening Your Marketing Message)

Ezra Firestone: So, there’s been this trend towards short-form video, as there’s been a trend towards consumption times, on the internet, going down. We carry these mobile devices around with us. People are consuming in shorter and shorter periods of time. Yes, short-form video is great, short-form video works, to get people’s attention. However, once you have someone’s attention, long-form content is what converts. A lot of people are sleeping on long-form video content. We’ve had this, in 2016, agenda to introduce more long-form video content into our business. I’m talking five-minute, ten-minute, fifteen-minute, 45-minute, video pieces that are based around story, that are based around brand, that are based around product benefits. We’ve seen a significant increase in conversion in our email sequences, in our advertising, as we include the conversion asset of long-form video, back into our business.

(RELATED: Perpetual Traffic Episode 63: How Ezra Firestone Sold 84,583 Jars of Face Cream Using Video Ads)

(NOTE: Before you can start targeting your audience, you need to know who your ideal customer is, where they are, and what they will buy. Download our proven Customer Avatar Worksheet now and get clear on who you’re selling to.)

Lindsay Marder

Lindsay Marder

Lindsay Marder is the Co-Founder of She works with businesses in a variety of industries, leveraging digital marketing strategies to help them achieve their goals. Formerly the Managing Editor of DigitalMarketer, Lindsay managed the Editorial Team and the DigitalMarketer blog, generating over 7 million unique sessions in 2017.

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